What debts can be included under a Debt Agreement?

What are the pros and cons of a Part 9 debt agreement?
May 20, 2020
What debts can’t be included under a debt agreement?
May 20, 2020
What are the pros and cons of a Part 9 debt agreement?
May 20, 2020
What debts can’t be included under a debt agreement?
May 20, 2020

Most personal unsecured debts can be included under a debt agreement. Therefore, debts such as:

  • Personal loans, credit cards and store cards.
  • Additionally, payday loans and loans <$2000 can be included. As such, these loans typically are loans repaid within one year or less.
  • Plus, overdrawn bank accounts and unsecured overdrafts.
  • Likewise, you can include unpaid rent as a creditor to be put under a debt agreement.
  • Significantly, medical, accounting and legal fees as debt issues can result from these matters.
  • Finally, Phone, internet, gas and electricity bills can also be included in a debt agreement.